The new employee is an active member and has a retirement plan on file: Report the new employee as indicated on the Member Information Display screen. Note:
- When calculating defined benefit (DB) contributions for graded plans (MIP Graded, MIP Plus, and Pension Plus), start the member at the lowest contribution tier, even if the member works at more than one reporting unit.
- DC contribution rates for employees who change employers must start at the mandatory rate with the new employer regardless of the contribution rate in place with the previous employer.
- Complete a DTL1 (demographic) record on the payroll report when you first report wages for this employee. See section 7.06.03: Completing DTL1 records for new employees for more detail.
New Employee Reporting Process e-learning module
The New Employee Reporting Process e-learning module takes you through the retirement plan election process and provides examples of how to report new employees (both existing members and new members). Click the image to open the module.

Last updated: 02/01/2018