Peer Review Feedback Forms (+10 Writing Strategies)

What is a peer review feedback form?

Executives say that employee engagement is critical to a business's success. Part of fostering this engagement is providing regularly scheduled peer reviews, and peer review feedback forms allows these reviews to happen.

In addition, the evaluation form outlines what a reviewer needs to provide when they are giving their feedback. They can be as straightforward or as detailed as the company would like them to be. However, they should be relevant to the employee department or position and their skill sets to be effective.

The forms usually contain questions about different aspects of an assignment, proposal, or project. They are used by the person who generates copies of them or provides them online to be filled out. That way, the reviewer picks the relevant copy that applies to the person being reviewed, and the employee being reviewed knows precisely how they are doing and what areas need improvement.

Feedback forms can also be used for groups and teams instead of just employees.

The difference between templates and forms can be confusing, but there is an easy way to differentiate between the two. A peer review feedback form is a set of questions that are used for giving feedback. Alternatively, a peer review feedback template outlines all the reviewer needs to include when they provide their feedback.

You can also think of an evaluation form as a section of the peer review feedback template that must be completed and signed.

How peer review feedback relates to peer review forms

Peer review feedback should be completed by someone familiar with the employee's quality of work and the way they work. The task is usually performed by co-workers or the employee's direct report. When doing the peer review, the reviewer evaluates the employee's work, including their skills, competencies, team efforts, attitudes, etc. The exact process may differ from business to business, but the reviewer is usually someone the employee regularly interacts with.

On the other hand, a peer review form is the media used to convey and receive this peer review. It can be communicated digitally, or a hard copy of it can be printed out to use.

Who uses peer review feedback forms?

A peer review feedback form can be used in a variety of different contexts. It is most commonly associated with the education sector, but it has been adopted by other areas such as business, creative industries, and even by government departments that provide reports.

Peer reviewers, project managers, and supervisors can use a peer review form for giving an employee peer review feedback. Still, they should be regularly interacting with them and familiar with how that employee performs their duties.

77% of HR executives believe that the ubiquitous biannual or annual performance review doesn't accurately represent employee performance, according to LinkedIn. Also, employees surveyed say they leave the reviews not knowing what the manager thinks of their performance.

So having a regularly scheduled peer review assessment (once or twice a month) addresses issues such as these, and the forms and other tools used with it help employees achieve better job satisfaction.

What are the benefits of using a peer review feedback form?

There are many reasons why an individual or organization would use a peer review feedback form, including the fact that they are accepted as best practices by organizations that use them. Other key benefits they provide include:

10 strategies for writing a peer review form

The good news is that there are no set rules for writing a peer evaluation form. However, some strategies or approaches can be helpful.

This simple act could result in greater engagement and the ability to reward ahead of time.

What should be on the peer review feedback form?

The peer-review feedback form should include:

Don't go too far back though, as it may be difficult for them to recall specific things. The goal is to give them a sense of your thoughts and what you feel was valuable about their work performance based on the facts, not just opinions or feelings.

How can peer review forms be applied to small, medium, and large businesses?

There are many ways that a peer review feedback form can be used to provide structure for reviewers and those who created the document within the context of small, medium, and large businesses.

Here is an outline of how they could potentially look in each industry:

Peer review feedback forms are a good way of providing feedback on work done by another person or group, and they help to make sure all aspects of their work are considered.

In addition, they can be used to provide quick and simple feedback or more detailed information. Employees need to understand what they are doing well and where they need improvement so that their skills develop over time. This will lead to a positive work environment with people who want to excel in their roles which is great for all involved.